About us

Burco General Suppliers (PTY)LTD have in its ten years of existence secured a substantial part of the medical equipment, hospital linen and market in Swaziland. It supplies medical equipment, linen and pharmaceuticals to hospitals, factories, public enterprise, government ministries, non-government organization and many businesses in the private sector. We have established awfully flagged showroom for hospital furniture and accessories where some of the range we carry may be viewed. It is policy of the company to ensure that it supplies to its customers comply with SABS specifications and in terms of customer requirements. Where goods are in conformity they are withdrawn and replaced with the quality as specified by the customer. Furthermore, the company strongly believes in the adage that customer is always right and such customer satisfaction is paramount


We intend on offering our clients the ultimate in satisfactory service, economically viable and competitive prices


to become an efficient and effective black empowered supplier , supplying any office environment and satisfying any company with our products


The company upholds the values of Commitment, Customer Value, Teamwork, Professionalism, Flexibility and Adaptability


We design solutions, rather than just fulfilling requirements. This requires research, engagement with the task at hand and innovative thinking.


Like our products, we perform at the highest level possible. Our superior performance not only keeps our customers happy, but it enriches our lives too.


We work hard to create and build long term relationships – with our customers, our suppliers, and our staff.

Our Clients